Fees & Consultations

At a glance:
·         No referral necessary
·         Medicare Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan provider
·         Private health insurance rebates available on site via HICAPS
·         Face-to-face consultations or via correspondence or phone if you are unable to attend one of our practice locations
·         See Contact Us for instructions on how to make an appointment
Your initial consultation will take about 50 minutes.  During this session we will cover your medical history, current dietary habits and health goals.  Your dietary habits will be analysed for nutritional adequacy and tailored to meet your individual requirements.  We will discuss the reasons behind the suggested changes to your dietary habits and what results you can expect.  Practical, sensible eating plans and/or guidelines will be prepared for you.  You may be given some ‘homework’ to help you to adhere to the recommendations.  Review consultations take about 25 minutes.  The frequency and duration of your dietetic management will depend on the condition/s addressed and individual progress.
Fees (valid at 1 October 2011 and reviewed periodically)

Initial Consultation
$ 120.00
Initial Consultation (EPC and concession)
$ 110.00
Initial Consultation (phone/correspondence)
$ 100.00
Review Consultations (face-to-face)
$ 55.00 
Review Consultation (phone/correspondence)
$45.00 or 3 for $120.00
Non-attendance after confirmation call/SMS
Full fee
DVA Gold Card holders with valid D904 referral
Bulk billed
Home Visits – Initial Consultation
$ 160.00
Home Visits – Review Consultations
$ 95.00

Payment is collected at the completion of each consultation.  Cash, EFTPOS and credit cards (Visa and Mastercard) are accepted. 
·         If you have private health insurance extras cover, your benefit may be claimed directly through the HICAPS system so you only pay the gap fee. 
·         For Medicare EPC clients, full payment upfront is necessary and a receipt will be issued so you can claim your rebate from Medicare (currently $50.05 per approved session). 

The consultation fees reflect the current industry standard as reported by Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) in private practice in Australia (data collected annually by the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)).
Cancellation and Non-Attendance Policy
Life can get rather hectic, and finding the time to change your appointment can be a challenge.  Giving at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend, or wish to change your appointment allows the timeslot to be offered to someone on the waiting list, and they really appreciate that you called early. 
If you do not attend an agreed appointment, you will be charged the full fee that you would have incurred had you attended.
Privacy and Duty of Disclosure
In accordance with the Privacy Act (1988), all information collected in this practice is treated as ‘sensitive information’.  To protect your privacy, this practice operates in accordance with this Act.  You have a duty to honestly disclose your personal health details as requested by your dietitian. 
We use the information you provide to manage your healthcare.  You can assist in maintaining the accuracy of your information by advising the practice of any change of address, telephone number etc.
An initial report summarising your dietetic assessment and plan as well as regular updates will be sent to the GP you have nominated overleaf.  If the need arises, with your verbal consent, selected information may also be disclosed to various other health services involved in supporting your healthcare management (for example your medical specialists or allied health professionals).  If you have any questions regarding the management of your personal health information, please ask your dietitian.  Due to the privacy laws, results cannot be given to another third party unless written authorisation is obtained or under special circumstances.